Types of Accommodations


Accommodation Process

学生残疾服务(SDS)与每个学生进行互动,并根据个人情况审查住宿请求, case-by-case basis. 

取决于学生残疾的性质和功能限制, the student may be eligible to receive academic accommodations.

在提交住宿申请时,您或您的服务提供者也可以, 电子邮件, fax to (512) 464-8830, mail (3001 S. 国会大道,奥斯汀,得克萨斯州78704),或亲自送到穆迪大厅102。.

Attend an intake appointment with a disability counselor. 

这是一个讨论你的残疾如何影响你的大学经历的机会, how to obtain qualifying documentation, and how the accommodation process works.

如果您有任何问题,或者您想与我们的办公室安排一个简短的15分钟的信息会议, please call (512) 448-8561, 电子邮件, or stop by Moody Hall 102.

Accommodation Guidance

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 为合格的个人提供“合理的便利”,并要求这些人不被排除在外, 拒绝进入, or subjected to discrimination under any 程序. In addition to reasonable accommodations, Section 504 requires access to participation in all 程序s, 为听觉或视觉障碍者提供沟通便利, 并提供方便的建设和改造物理设施. 

所有住宿要求应直接向学生残疾服务中心提出. Notice to other campus partners (e.g. 招生, Orientation Staff, Health and Counseling Center, Faculty or Residence Life) is not considered notice to St. 爱德华的 University.​

Understand the Types of Accommodations


住宿旨在减少或消除平等机会的障碍, 他们不打算放弃被认为是特定课程所必需的学术要求, 程序, 或学位.

Promote Equal Access

Accommodations are not a guarantee for success, but rather seek to promote non-discrimination and equal opportunities.

Consideration for Preferences

While student preferences are considered, 住宿是根据收到的有关学生残疾的文件,通过既定的审查程序确定的.

Dealing with Temporary Illnesses

A student who has a temporary illness (e.g. 感冒或流感), 或者从手术中恢复,不是基于长期的情况,不会被认为是残疾.

Helpful Information

无障碍环境:教室必须方便残障人士进入.  学生残疾服务部与设施部合作,提供平等的机会. 变更可能包括:班级搬迁或班级相关活动, classroom modifications, or structural alterations.

灵活性 with Attendance, Class Breaks, Deadlines, and Tardies: 学生可能有资格获得各种类型的灵活性,以管理与残疾有关的症状. 灵活性的高低由教授根据课程的完整性和项目的技术标准来决定. 

Note-taking Accommodations: 学生可能有资格获得各种住宿,以支持他们获得课堂讲座.

Alternative Format for class materials: 学生可能有资格以另一种格式获得课堂材料(例如.g. enlarged, electronic, Braille, video captioning).  Faculty should provide equal access to all class materials.

Priority Registration: 如果管理残疾需要更多地控制他们的课程安排,学生可能有资格获得这种住宿.  这种住宿允许学生提前一小时注册他们指定的注册时间(即.e. 7am rather than 8am).

Extended Time on Exams/Quizzes: 住宿可以由穆迪155号厅SDS测试中心的学生残疾服务中心提供, or by the professor in an alternate location. 延长时间的长短将视残疾的性质而定,并视具体情况而定.

Exams/Quizzes in Alternate Space: 住宿可以由穆迪155号厅SDS测试中心的学生残疾服务中心提供, or by the professor in an alternate location. 

Use of a 4-function Calculator: 学生可以在考试中使用四功能计算器,以保持课程的学术完整性.

Use of a Reader for Exams/Quizzes: 有阅读障碍的学生可能有资格大声朗读考试/测验.  这种调整通常由SDS测试中心使用屏幕阅读软件提供.

Use of Scribe for Exams/Quizzes: 有阅读障碍的学生可能有资格参加由SDS工作人员誊写的考试/测验.  这可能包括将书面回答或口头回答转移到答题卡或文本中.

Computer for Exams/Quizzes: 学生可能有资格使用计算机进行考试或测验,其中包含简答题和/或作文题.  In either of these situations, SDS测试中心可以在不接入互联网的情况下提供计算机访问.

答题卡豁免: Students may be exempt from use of a scantron or answer sheet. 教师应该考虑另一种选择,或者允许学生在考试中回答问题. 

Breaks During Exams: 由于身体原因,学生可能有资格在考试期间休息或使用洗手间.

Students may qualify for a reduced course load. Unlike part-time status, 减少课程负担的授权允许学生注册少于全日制的课程负担, while still being considered a full-time student.


一些残疾学生在学习现代语言或数学方面遇到困难. 批准换人的决定是基于合理的安排, an individual's learning history, documentation of a disability that impairs modern language acquisition, and future educational goals.


失聪或有听力障碍的学生可以使用各种服务,包括 Interpreting Services for all academic activities (e.g. class lecture, group work, tutoring). 有关此住宿或其他住宿的时间安排和信息,请联系 Student Disability Services.

学生残疾服务与住宿生活和山顶卡办公室合作,以促进 Housing and Meal Plan Accommodations 为学生.

SDS collaborates with 出国留学 to support students navigating the accommodation process while studying abroad depending on the 程序 type, destination and third party provider.

Overhead photo of laptops

Assistive Technology and Support

St. 爱德华。s大学提供技术,以方便个人平等地获得各种印刷品的教育资料, 愿景, 听力, and/or mobility-related disabilities. Student Disability Services provides alternative format accommodations, operates the SDS Testing Center and its technologies, and connects students with alternative format resources.

辅助技术是不断变化的,并且在各种设备上以各种格式提供. 学生应该考虑自己的具体情况(拥有的设备、预算、偏好等).) when choosing the technology that best fits their needs. SDS has created the toolkit to help you get started.